Interesting Old Stuff?
John Rico
The first time that residents of Solano County had an opportunity to vote on the question of “wet” or dry” as far as intoxicating liquors were concerned, was far back in April, 1855. County residents, only a handful, went to the nine polls in the county, and cast 378 “no” votes, as compared to 143 “yes” votes. The residents of the county chose to keep their intoxicating liquors.
The first election held in this county was in April, 1850, at which county residents were given an opportunity to cast a ballot for state and county officials.
Agricultural practices in the county have changed throughout the years. Back before the turn of the century, at one time there were 462 acres planted to onions and only 23 acres in alfalfa. Grape growing was the major fruit crop. The county also depended heavily on apple growing, with 15,996 acres planted to the fruit at one time. And it is estimated that the first record of any brandy making in the county showed there were 460 gallons. That ranked far below the 10,500 gallons of wine which was manufactured in that period.
A marble quarry between Vacaville and Fairfield drew considerable interest in 1876. Many years later a cement plant was erected on the site, and operated for a long time as the Portland Cement Company. The town of Cement was born. The plant and the town have long since been dismantled.
And midway between Vacaville and Fairfield, into the Blue Mountains, you could go to Tolenas Springs and get invigorating mineral water The centuries of deposits left by the water provided some multi - colored rock formations, many of these rocks now in use in Vacaville gardens and yards.
Vaca Valley was not always the name of the valley west of Vacaville. For a long period of time it was Ulattis Valley.
The railroad from Elmira to Vacaville was built by private capital, back in the year 1869, and horses on treadmills furnished the first locomotion for the train.